Say hello to my little friends...

I am a mom, I cook, I clean, I epically fail from time to time, I laugh about it.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Death of a Mac

So after years of abusing our mac, she went belly-up.  This means all my pictures are safely on a hard drive I cannot currently access.  Pictures of the gorgeous lemon-meringue cupcakes I made, the fabulous dinners, the adorable kidlets.  We replaced Ms. Mac with a <gasp> PC, and I'm still adjusting to my new partner.  So far, we really don't see eye to eye.  In other news, my folks came for a visit, and brought me an early birthday pressie: running shorts, pants, t-shirts, etc.  This is amazing, because prior to this I ran in my hubby's old Aerosmith T and his PJ pants, and I was waiting for an officer to give chase as I most likely looked like I just knocked off a liquor store, albeit slowly and methodicallyand dripping sweat.
We went to Science World: it is now worth the admission! Beautifully renovated, high ceilings and lovely windows over the ocean give you 16 feet of grey light all day long!  It's nice to finally have the renos mostly done, for sure.  I had a 9 day flu with the kids in which I laid in bed and they watched an entire lifetime's worth of television, both hot with fever as well. In the middle of the flu, we did manage a few hours on the picket line for the teachers (another pic I cannot access) and it was wonderful, aside from the near-fainting spell.  Our VSB 2 week spring break extravaganza is nearing an end, and I'm going to miss the little life-suckers being around all the time.  So there's my post for now, off to figure out this picture on a pc thing.  Hearts!!