Say hello to my little friends...

I am a mom, I cook, I clean, I epically fail from time to time, I laugh about it.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Siem Riep is way fun!

A lovely view from our hotel

at one point I teased my mom with, "what do you expect, cream of potato soup here or something?" and there it is.

Le crocodile

Lotus flowers for Buddha


A perfect view

"Open till the last one pass out" Indeed.

This one's for Olwen.

And this.

Beautiful restaurant. I didn't eat here but it looks pretty.

Lunar New Year! Burning fake money to wish for more money in the coming year.

This one's for Kevin.

I liked her, she liked my camera.

Butterflies everywhere.

Order 2 pitchers at a time to get a free t-shirt!

Long Island Iced Tea is very strong in these parts.
"Happy" Pizza means marijuana.

This must be even better?

The river through the city

Next T-shirt in the works, that's a bucket of gin and tonic. Gotta prevent the malaria, you know!

This is Leigh from the boat. He thought were were a calm old couple at first. Ha.

Starting the evening off with a little cherry drop

Made a friend

More swing dancing

I wing manned for Leigh and got these two lovely ladies from Georgia, USA. They were a hoot!

-----------------------------------------------Day 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------
4 effing 30 am. As you can hear, I'm thrilled.
As you can see, I'm thrilled.

ok, well that's pretty.

It is literally peoples jobs to gather all the blocks out of place at the temples and figure out where they go. The amount of work to do this just boggles the mind.

temple under reconstruction.

on the way to the next temple

The moat around Angkor Wat is huge.

Angkor Wat.

Khmer rouge cut the heads off most of the statues. Dicks.

I have a theory, with no research behind it, that this was a swimming pool for the monks.

tourist dude pays for blessing

lotus pond

I like this guy.

This was the gateway into another temple...

poor elephants

stairs on the temples don't seem to be made with human legs in mind. Also all the monks have massive calves.

Bayon temple, my favourite.

I can see up his nose!

and now we are at the "tomb raider" temple (Ta Prohm), as the tuk tuk drivers call it. They all know how to say "Angelina Jolie".

The trees are just massive, really gorgeous.

colour me impressed, they turned the pile of stones on the top into the original wall on the bottom. So much work!

The ancients must have been short.

Siem Riep has the loveliest alleyways

Outside Miss Wongs, love this place

The restaurant is decorated like 1920s Shanghai

Chris picking an envelope for Lunar New Year

I took this because goldfish in the bathroom.

solid operating hours.

I did not. No way.

Funny, we met some Sardinians...

This fricken guy tried to steal Chris' backpack. A minor tig of war ensued which Chris proudly won.

-------------------------------------------------------Day 3------------------------------------------------------------
Water buffalo are everywhere.

cool as a cucumber

the legal age for driving seems to be when you can reach what you need to

jungle hike

The vines were breathtaking

These are lingas carved into the waterfall.

this tree had actual camo pattern bark

not a flattering photo, but a happy one

this is essentially environmental security!

The spider bite I got on the 2nd day in Cambodia, photo for reference as I was worried it was expanding and might hatch.

we saw one of these guys high up in the trees but couldn't get a good photo

on the way home we stopped to see some fisherpeople

the coolest orchid

baby horse!

I loved this cat.

the horse was 5 days old

I fuckin hate horses. The following photos are from a 3 hour horse ride Chris wanted to do on super skittish horses the day after Lunar New Year when all the kids had firecrackers. The horses kept bolting and it was absolutely terrifying. I begged Chris to let me quit but we were far away from everything by that point.

this is a little temple he took us to that is older than Angkor.

Gifts for Buddha

Khmer writing is beautiful. It was carved on every post.

This was the noisiest pig I have ever heard

watched some dudes fish from a muddy little pond

we couldn't even make the horses stand near each other for a photo

fuckin Cinnabon, I hate you.

Beautiful horse, glad I wasn't riding that one.
---------------------------------------------------------day 4----------------------------------------------------------
getting breakfast in a local market. Breakfast soup here is awesome.

man, I drank a lot of coconuts.

the people next to us ordered a very expensive steak. We lol'd.

poolside rest
