Say hello to my little friends...

I am a mom, I cook, I clean, I epically fail from time to time, I laugh about it.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

My First Post

Today is a lovely day in this beautiful city of mine.  The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the coyotes are howling gleefully as they cart off shrieking raccoons.  I live on UBC campus, which is the most amazing place to raise kids.  The homes are all well cared for, the cookies fresh, the nannies showered.  Which one is my home, you ask?  I'm the one with the tires on the front lawn.    (Actually, they have been recently moved to the back yard, I tend to exaggerate.)  I'm the one without the nanny, the one with the sinus infection/hangover/inappropriate footwear/undiagnosed mental instability.  (I think it's called motherhood.)  My lovely, sweet, thoughtful, lazy husband is finishing up his 7th year of education and just on the cusp of entering the (please god let it be so) lucrative world of law.  I have 3 wonderful kids: a 5 year old fairy princess unicorn, a 7 year old ginger/tasmanian devil/future dictator of the Intergalactic Federation, and a 12 year old reserved, thoughtful, intelligent stepson who clearly has not been raised by me.  I believe in fairies, ghosts, naps, the Great Pumpkin, and quinoa, though the quinoa thing took some convincing.
I love to cook... pouring your heart and 6 hours time into an edible work of art that your family wolfs down in 3 minutes flat leaving you with only 2 hours of dishes and the right to greatly exaggerate the Dish of Greatness in later years gives me pleasure and, most importantly, kills 6 hours of time that I could have been spending cleaning or packing or supervising homework.
To follow the lead of the other outstanding mommy blogs, I shall give my children code names so as not to permanently scar them in later years more so than I already am doing.  The 5 year old girl shall be Bells, for she rings loud and true and does not stop making noise from the moment her long eyelashes flutter open in the morning until the moment the gravol takes effect 2 hours prior to bedtime.  (I jest...ish.)  The boy shall be LD, for the Littlest Dictator, which was his name as a human baby car alarm that could not be shut off for over two years.  The 12 year old shall be Jock.  I think that one is self explanatory.
Please be warned that if you are reading this I may come off as a hard-partying, hard-parenting, less than perfect stay at home mom.  I suppose it's true, I prefer the hard way.  I have the best group of friends anyone could ask for, and my time with them is so, so valuable to me.  In order to join them in their nearly-a-lawyer (and the poor, singled out teacher) debauchery, I forgo sleep more often than not.  I do not miss my kids extra-curriculars, I still make them breakfast and read to them, they almost always leave the house wearing pants (and sometimes I do as well.)
I suppose this is my bio-ish.  I'm new to blogging and do not expect to master the art of recording clear, concise thoughts at any point in the near future.  I would need a full night's sleep for that.  Signing off! -L.
                                                      A truer love there never was.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO SO MUCH! June is almost over. I can almost taste the wine-barf!
