Say hello to my little friends...

I am a mom, I cook, I clean, I epically fail from time to time, I laugh about it.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Hockey Night in Canada! (Yeah, I know that's copyrighted.)

When we watch games at my house, we win.  I'm not taking credit for the Canuck's behaviour, but I am.  My hubby's and mine pizzas were that good.  And our hosstessessing! And our brewskies.  Again, I don't care about hockey, much, but I'm starting to.  Because  a win would be AWEsome.  And a win would mean a party.  And I loooove a party.  I also love the colour blue.  And green.  And I hate the colour Bruins.  Because they suck.  I have more horrid food porn to add of our pizza night tonight but I'll do it later because the brewskies were juuuust fine.  And, my friends are awesome.  More awesome than the Canucks, even.  (Especially if the Canucks lose.)  Soon again, my friends, shall I carve out a precious pice of the day to assault your senses with useless ramblings full of viscous fluids.  But probably not during the playoffs.  Because we're house hunting.  In other new, I have found my swan song.  For realz, bitchez!!!
the best song in the world!!!   Because this is me.  Forever.

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