Say hello to my little friends...

I am a mom, I cook, I clean, I epically fail from time to time, I laugh about it.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Japan on the way home

Pnomh Penh airport washroom solving all the problems: Hips or no hips? That is the question.

So, after all day in the city whence we checked out at noon but didn't go to the airport until 7pm, Chris drank. I was concerned they wouldn't let him on the plane, but he was a champ. When we got to the airport there was this sign, so obviously we each had to have one. (I was only more sober in this case because of the prior/current severe gastro probs).

Chris having a great time, maybe a little iffy to get on the flight

This is my super impressed face.

This is some guy we met at the airport who gave us both valium! Chris took his immediately, with 2 hours until boarding time still.

Chris is happy and relaxed on the plane.

Apparently valium gives me the giggles.
arrival at 8am Tokyo, and Chris curls up on a hard bench in a busy thoroughfare to sleep. I watched over him for over two hours, lol

a toy store with the coolest race car track

had to go in for Bella, holy crap expensive

Tokyo has the cleanest air I have ever breathed in my life. Cool, crisp, astounding, possibly better immediately after leaving PP.

look at the clear blue sky!

took the subway in to a tiny little ramen shop full of steam and chatter

I saved all my food photos for another post, but holy man, delicious

a super cool shrine

a super simple subway (guffaw)

not the sufficient amount, the insufficient one!

do not stick your arm out of the subway car or you will be abused panda.

omg the toilets are complicated

I mean, just such a change from Cambodian style. Wow.

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