Say hello to my little friends...

I am a mom, I cook, I clean, I epically fail from time to time, I laugh about it.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Moving on' Up!!!

So this is how last week went for me.  Thursday, panicky packing. Thursday night, way too much wine and scotch with our way too awesome neighbours from Venezuela.  (It ended with super clumsy Colombian salsa dancing in the living room.)   Friday, 7+ hours on the ferry there and back to ditch the kids with Grandma and Grandpa.  With a hangover.  (Thanks, guys!!)  Friday night more fevered packing, followed closely by too much wine, because we *thought* we were ahead of the game.  (El Idioto!!!)  Saturday morning, got truck, got friends, loaded truck, unpacked at new place by noon, and friends stuck around and helped unpack, some till 9pm!!  Then games and drinking.  Sunday morning, unpack, on and on and on... until the NKOTB and BSB concert
(stop looking at me like that!!) whereupon I shrieked like a 16 year old girl until I lost my voice, fall into partially assembled bed.  Monday, hubby goes off to class, week long buildup of hangover hits, and there is no food or liquid in the house except beer.  I cry some, unpack some more, and discover a great dim sum place close by.  Also, a friend visits and saves my sanity in a very important way.  Hubby comes home with the kids, we put them to bed, we unpack even more.  Tuesday, we take my son for surgery so he can have all of his baby teeth removed.  Tuesday night is panicking and setting up the kitchen so I can make pureed everything.  Insert somewhere in this timeline 2 trips to Ikea and much cursing and assembling of crap.  My poor boy looks like a redheaded hillbilly and -bonus- gets super hyper off of any medications that make other children sleep.  So I have a bleeding, drooling, hyper boy with bad balance from the general anesthesia who just wants to dance.     And he's at that age where he eats all day and never gets full.  Hard do do with soup, jello, creme brulee.  So, (deep breath) I can slow down right now.  And I dedicate this song to my son.   I promise I'll get back to my entertaining self soon.  And I'll post pics as soon as I find my upload cords for the cameras.  And the hairbrushes and toilet paper.  Ciao!!

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